
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Effect Of Different Noise Reduction Health And Social Care Essay

Abstract-The intent of this paper is to measure the consequence of different noise decrease filters on computed imaging ( CT ) images. In peculiar, denoising filters based on the combination of Gaussian and Prewitt operators and on anisotropic diffusion are proposed. Simulation consequences show that the proposed techniques increase the image quality and let the usage of a low-dose CT protocol.Index Terms-Computed imaging ( CT ) , denoising filters, image quality, radiation dosageComputed imaging ( CT ) is a wireless in writing review method that generates a 3-D image of the interior of an object from a big series of 2-D images taken on a cross-sectional plane of the same object. In most clinical conditions, CT has been necessary in adjunction to conventional skiagraphy. By and large talking, conventional radiogram depict a 3-D object as a 2-D image, produced by an X-ray tubing, which rotates around the organic structure of the stationary patient. of Hounsfield graduated tables that represents the country of involvement. The available grey graduated table is spread over the chosen scope. For this purpose, two parametric quantities are defined, i.e. , windowing breadth, which defines the difference between the upper and lower bounds of the selected scope, and windowing centre, which represents the centre of the window. After a cross-sectional image is acquired, the patient is advanced through the gauntry into the following stationary place, and so the following image is acquired. Improvement in tubing engineering, computing machine, and hardware public presentations has led to an development of CT scanners, cut downing the acquisition scan times and bettering the declaration. A first development of the traditional CT scanner is the coiling ( or helical ) scanner [ 1 ] . It is based on the uninterrupted patient gesture through the gauntry combined with the interrupted tubing rotary motion. The name of this scanner engineering derives from the coiling way traced o ut by the X-ray beam. The major advantages of coiling scanning compared with the traditional attack consist of its improved velocity and spacial declaration. To farther cut down the scan clip, the multislice CT scanner has been developed [ 2 ] . This system uses multiple rows of sensors. This manner, the throughput of the patient is well increased. However, multislice scanners generate an increased sum of informations compared with the single-slice scanner, and practically, the throughput of patients is limited by the clip taken to retrace the acquired informations. In add-on, diagnostic CT imaging involves a trade-off between the image quality and the radiation dosage ; hence, the decrease of the CT image noise is important to cut down the acquisition clip without deteriorating the contrast and the signal-to noise ratio. The visual image of the anatomic constructions by agencies of CT is affected by two effects, viz. , blurring, which reduces the visibleness of little object, and n oise, which reduces the visibleness of low-contrast objects. During scanning, the sum of blurring is determined by the focal topographic point size and the sensor size, whereas at the clip of image Reconstruction procedure, blurring is due to the voxel size and the type of applied filter. Another common process to scan the whole organic structure, giving 3-D images, is magnetic resonance imagination ( MRI ) , which is based on magnetic belongingss of the H content of tissues. The MRI scanner is a tubing surrounded by a elephantine round magnet. The patient is placed on a movable bed that is inserted into the strong magnet, which forces H atoms in the patient ‘s organic structure to aline in the magnetic field way. When wireless moving ridges are applied, they perturb the magnetisation equilibrium by tipping the magnetisation in different waies. As the RF moving ridges turn off, the H atoms lose energy breathing their ain RF signals. Different types of tissues generate differen t signals. The collected informations are reconstructed into a 2-D array. MRI is a noninvasive scrutiny because the patients are non exposed to the radiation dosage, MRI is good suited for soft tissues. MRI is more expensive than CT. II. RADIATION DOSE AND IMAGE QUALITY CT histories for 47 % of whole medical radiation, although it represents merely 7 % of entire radiology scrutinies. Hence, the development of techniques for cut downing the radiation dosage becomes indispensable, peculiarly in paediatric applications [ 3 ] . In conventional skiagraphy imagination, it is normally clear when overexposure has taken topographic point. This is non true in CT, because the sum of radiation adsorbed by the patient depends on many proficient parametric quantities, which can automatically be controlled by CT scanners to equilibrate the high image quality and the exposure dosage. Then, it is possible that the differences between an equal image and a high-quality image ( obtained with higher exposure ) are non so instantly apparent. Unfortunately, as the radiation additions, the associated hazard of malignant neoplastic disease is increased, although this is highly little. To adhere the image quality to the radiation dosage, a batch of dose forms were developed. The Computed Tomography Dose Index, along with its discrepancies, includes a set of standard parametric quantities used to depict CT-associated dosage. It is defined as the integral of the dose distribution profile ( measured along a line analogue to the axis of rotary motion of the lamp ) divided by the nominal piece thickness. Many proficient factors contribute to the strength dosage in CT. In sequence, the chief CT parametric quantities and their deductions in the diagnostic quality of the CT tests are investigated. 1 ) Tube current ( in factory amperes ) and gantry rotary motion clip: These parametric quantities are straight relative to the radiation dosage. Their merchandise ( in mAs ) affects the figure of photons emitted by the X-ray beam, and it is responsible for the radiation exposure. Furthermore, an addition in mill amperes produces warming of the anode of the X-ray tubing. 2 ) Tube electromotive force extremum ( kVp ) : It is relative to square root of the dosage. This parametric quantity controls the speed at which the negatrons collide with the anode, and it straight affects X-ray incursion. Furthermore, by utilizing high values of kVp, it is possible to cut down the difference in tissue densenesss, and this can degrade the image contrast. 3 ) Pitch: It is defined as the ratio of the table distance traveled in one 360a- ¦ rotary motion and the entire collimated breadth of the X-ray beam. A rise in pitch produces a decrease of the radiation dosage but, at the same clip, decreases both the piece sensitiveness and the z-axis declaration. Many CT empirical protocols to set scan scenes have been proposed [ 5 ] . Generally, in CT scrutinies, a high radiation dosage consequences in high-quality images. A lower dose leads to the addition in image noise and consequences in un crisp images. This is more critical in low-contrast soft-tissue imagination like abdominal or liver CT. The relationship between the image quality and the dosage in CT is comparatively complex, affecting the interplay of a figure of factors, including noise, axial and longitudinal declarations, and piece width [ 6 ] . Depending on the diagnostic undertaking, these factors interact to find image sensitiveness ( i.e. , the ability to comprehend low-contras t constructions ) and visibleness of inside informations III. CT IMAGE NOISE CT images are per se noisy, and this poses important challenges for image reading, peculiarly in the context of low-dose and high-throughput informations analysis. CT noise affects the visibleness of low-contrast objects. By utilizing well-engineered CT scanners, it is sensible to pretermit the electronic noise caused by electronic devices [ 7 ] . Then, in the CT image, the primary subscriber to the entire noise is the quantum noise, which represents the random fluctuation in the fading coefficients of the single tissue voxels [ 8 ] . In fact, it is possible that two voxels of the same tissue produce different CT values. A possible attack to cut down the noise is the usage of big voxels, which absorb a batch of photons, guaranting a more accurate measuring of the fading coefficients. In this paper, some image filters to cut down the noise part were proposed. In a first measure, the statistical belongingss of image noise in CT tests were investigated. As evident in the literature, noi se mold and the manner to cut down it are common jobs in most imaging applications. In many image processing applications, a suited denoising stage is frequently required before any relevant information could be extracted from analyzed images. This is peculiarly necessary when few images are available for analysis. A batch of surveies have proved the Gaussianity of the pixel image generated by CT scanners [ 9 ] – [ 10 ] . This consequence permits us to set up the stochastic image theoretical account and to carry on a statistical image analysis of CT images IV. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this paper, 20 high-dose thorax CT images supplied by the Radiologist staff of â€Å" G. Moscati † Taranto Hospital have been examined. In peculiar, our attending was pointed to chest scrutinies due to high frequence by radiotherapists look intoing chest pathology, every bit good as the good handiness of this type of images. In fact, in the thorax, CT is by and large better than medical imaging analysis such as MRI for the hollow entrails. Furthermore, lung is the lone organ whose vass can be traced without utilizing contrast media, and this simplifies the image amplification. All images ( 512 A- 512 pels ) were in Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine format, which represents the criterion in radiology and cardiology imagination industry for informations exchange and image-related information. This standard groups information into information sets, including of import features such as image size and format, acquisition parametric quantities, equipment description, and patient information [ 16 ] . The examined images were acquired by agencies of a coiling CT scanner with the undermentioned acquisition puting: the tubing electromotive force extremum is 120 kVp, the tubing current is 375 ma, and the piece thickness is 7.5 millimeter. Image visual image was performed by utilizing the criterion windowing parametric quantities for thorax CT, i.e. , windowing centre of 30 HU and windowing breadth of 350 HU. Each image was corrupted by linear zero-mean white Gaussian noise to imitate a low-dose CT image. To this purpose, we have simulated the decrease in the tubing current degree by following an sum of noise in understanding with the consequences of old surveies about simulation of dose decrease in CT scrutinies [ 11 ] . To be more precise, we have used a degree noise ( standard divergence = 25 HU ) that about simulates the lowest tubing current degree ( 40 ma ) adopted in CT analysis. This value corresponds to the current degree recommended for paediatric thorax CT scrutinies [ 12 ] . Fig. 1 shows an illustration of an original high-dose thorax image. ] . To cut down the noise consequence, different low-pass filters have mostly been used in medical image analysis, but they have the disadvantage to present film overing borders. In fact, all smoothing filters, while smoothing out the noise, besides take high frequence border characteristics by degrading the localisation and the contrast. Therefore, it is necessary to equilibrate the tradeoff among Fig. 1Original CT image obtained with a high dosage of radiation. noise suppression, image deblurring, and edge sensing. To this purpose, a low-pass filter combined with an border sensor operator was proposed. In peculiar, Gaussian, averaging, and unsharp filters were tested to smooth the noise, whereas Prewitt and Sobel operators were used for border designation. The experimental consequences showed that the combination of Gaussian and Prewitt offers best public presentations. Successively, a nonlinear denoising technique has been tested, and its public presentations have been compared with the Gaussian-Prewitt filtering technique. Anisotropic diffusion is a selective and nonlinear filtering technique that improves image quality, taking the noise while continuing and even heightening inside informations. The anisotropic diffusion procedure employs the diffusion coefficients to find the sum of smoothing that should be applied to each pel of the image. The diffusion procedure is based on an iterative method, and it is described by agencies of the un dermentioned diffusion equation where Iti, J is the strength of the pel at place I, J and at the tth loop ; cN, cesium, cerium, and cW are the diffusion coefficients in the four waies ( north, south, east, and west ) ; parametersa?†¡NI, a?†¡SI, a?†¡EI, and a? »a?†¡WI are the nearest-neighbor differences of strength in the four waies ; and I » represents a coefficient that assures the stableness of the theoretical account, runing in the interval [ 0-0.25 ] . The initial status ( t = 0 ) of the diffusion equation is the strength pels of the original image. The diffusion coefficients are updated at every loop as a map of strength gradient. Normally, the two following maps were used for coefficient computation [ 21 ] : ( 2 ) where K is a control parametric quantity. The first map favours high-contrast borders over low contrast borders, whereas the 2nd emphasizes broad countries over smaller countries. A proper pick of the diffusion map non merely preserves but besides enhances the borders. This map monotonically decreases with the addition in gradient strength a?†¡I. The control parametric quantity should be chosen to bring forth maximal smoothing, where noise is supposed to be present at that place forward, it is possible to cipher K to happen the maximal value of diffusion flow ( hundred a? » a?†¡I ) and take it to be equal to the noise degree. This manner, the undermentioned K values are obtained for two diffusion maps ( 2 ) [ 23 ] : ( 3 ) where I?n is the standard divergence of the noise calculated in the noisy image background. The appraisal of the noise degree in a corrupted image is usually based on the computation of the standard divergence of the pels in the homogenous zone ( e.g. , background ) . For this ground, the pel indexes of the original image background, matching to the zones where there is no signal ( Ii, ,j = 0 ) , have been calculated. Then, these indexes are used to cipher the standard divergence in the noisy image. In the first estimate, we have supposed that the noise criterion divergence is changeless throughout the image. Therefore, to take into history the non stationarity of noise, we have calculated the K value as a map of local noise features. The noise is assumed to be statistically independent of the original image. We consider the differences in strength in the four waies, i.e. , ( 4 ) It is good known that the noise discrepancy of the amount of two independent noisy signals is the amount of the noise discrepancies of the two constituents. Therefore, it can easy be shown that the discrepancy of the noise is non affected by the operations in ( 4 ) , because the noise is assumed to be a white signal, i.e. , different pels are non correlated. Then, the noise discrepancies of I, DN, DS, DE, andDW are the same. To gauge the local noise criterion divergence, we consider a sub image of size M ( M = 2m + 1 ) , where the undermentioned relationship is applied: ( 5 ) It is possible to observe that the local mean I?D, I, ,j is taken into history. In fact, even if the planetary noise mean is zero, locally, the mean is normally nonzero. The estimated local criterion divergence is replaced in ( 3 ) , obtaining four K values for each diffusion map. The diffusion equation does non take into history the border waies. In fact, they are considered ever vertically or horizontally displayed. It is possible to better the public presentation of the diffusion filter by increasing the action of the filter on the waies parallel to the border and diminishing the filtrating action on perpendicular waies. To this purpose, is modified by adding new footings depending on the border way [ 12 ] , A suited mask of size N is used to pull out a sub image, and the upper limit of the strength gradient is calculated to happen the border way. The size N depends on the image belongingss. If N is excessively little, the figure of mask pels is non sufficient to verify if an border issues and to cipher its orientation. If N is excessively big, it is possible to pull out a sub array incorporating more than one border orientation ; in this instance, the computation of the maximal strength gradient produces wrong consequences. V. RESULTS To measure the consequence of noise add-on on the original images, the comparative RMS mistake eRMS was calculated as follows: ( 7 ) Fig 5 ( a ) loop 0 image where Io is the original high-dose image, I is the original image corrupted by Gaussian noise, and R and C are the row and column Numberss, severally. Experimental consequences have shown that this parametric quantity is, on Fig 5 ( B ) Iteration 1 image Fig 5 ( degree Celsius ) Iteration 2image Fig 5 ( vitamin D ) enhanced image loop mean, approximately 13 % .Successively, ( 7 ) was used to cipher the noise decrease obtained by using the proposed filtering techniques on the corrupted image. In this instance, in ( 7 ) , I represents the filtered noisy image. In a first measure, the filter obtained by uniting Gaussian and Prewitt filters was tested. This technique allows diminishing the mean comparative mistake to 10 % . Successively, the anisotropic filter was tested. Several simulations have been used to put up the filter parametric quantities. In peculiar, a first set of trials has been carried out to compare the public presentations of the filter obtained by ciphering the diffusion coefficients by agencies of the two maps ( 2 ) . The trial consequences show that the 2nd map produces somewhat better public presentations in footings of comparative RMS mistake. Probably, this is due to the belongingss of chest CT images, where the big parts are prevailing with regard to the countries with high contrast borders. Further simulations have been performed to place the figure of loops for the diffusion procedure. Fig. 5 ( a-c ) shows the average values of comparative RMS mistakes obtained in all filtering image trials versus the loop figure. It is possible to observe that, for an loop figure less than 4, eRMS monotonically decreases ; otherwise, eRMS monotonically grows. Therefore, three loops have been used in the filtering trials. Furthermore, several simulations have been performed to find the size of the two masks used to gauge the local noise criterion divergence and border waies, severally. The analysis of trial consequences has led to take a size M = N = 7 for both masks. Finally, the public presentations of the Gaussian-Prewitt and anisotropic filters have been compared. The experimental consequences highlight that, utilizing the anisotropic filter, it is possible to diminish eRMS to about 6 % . Fig. 5. ( vitamin D ) shows an illustration of the public presentation of anisotropic filtering and of filtrating obtained by uniting Gauss and Prewitt operators applied on a noisy image VI. Decision In this paper, an analysis of denoising techniques applied to CT images has been presented with the purpose of increasing the dependability of CT scrutinies obtained with low-dose radiation. First, the chief proficient parametric quantities act uponing the radiation dosage and their deductions for diagnostic quality were investigated. Successively, the chief causes of CT noise and its statistical belongingss were analyzed. Finally, some image filters to cut down the noise part were proposed. In peculiar, a combination of Gaussian and Prewitt filters was ab initio tested, obtaining a RMS of 10 % . Successively, a filtering technique based on anisotropic diffusion was applied. Several simulations have been carried out to take the best filter parametric quantities. This manner, it has been possible to diminish the comparative mistake to about 6 % .

Friday, August 30, 2019

Political Philosophy and Machiavelli Essay

Nicolo Machiavelli is a well known philosopher of the Italian Renaissance from the sixteenth century. The return of the Medici family in Florence in 1512 forced Machiavelli out of office, and he wrote The Prince after retiring from the public. The Prince is one of his most famous works, it describes the means by which a new leader may gain and maintain power. His ideas can be applied to new rulers ranging from a new principal to a new president of a new country. While discussing his ideas for new rulers, Machiavelli says â€Å"Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? † (Machiavelli 98). If a ruler is not able to do both, it is better to be loved than feared. Machiavelli answers his own question through his ideas of what makes a successful ruler. He argues that a prince is much safer being feared than loved. Machiavelli says â€Å"†¦ for love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails. † (Machiavelli 99). He says that being loved creates opportunity for being taken advantage of and being feared doesn’t fail. Bringing fear to his people with cruelty would make them united and loyal. Most people who are fearful of any authority fear punishment, so they are more inclined to not cross the line of disrespect. Without a doubt, being loved is more desired from the people and has a greater value compared to being feared, even though the perks of being feared can make a leader successful. Since it’s better to be loved than feared, there are three important characteristics to have to ensure that the new people you’re ruling love you; these characteristics are being honest, having respect, and being protective. Honesty is an important characteristic to have because the body of people you’re ruling and the way they act is a reflection of yourself. If you make honest and good behavior a key value, your people will do the same. If you don’t make honest and good behavior a key value, your people won’t trust that you are always doing the right thing and telling the truth. Machiavelli says, â€Å"Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are. † (Machiavelli 106). His quote shouldn’t be true if you’re an honest and truthful leader. Machiavelli says in his quote that a leader does not show his complete self to everyone, that he displays an act of goodness to his people and only reveals what he really is to those who ask for it. Being an honest leader inside and out will only help gain your people’s trust and true love. This quote also ties into the one that reads â€Å"†¦ it is unnecessary for a prince to have all the good qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. † (Machiavelli 250). Machiavelli says that a leader must put on a false face to his people and pretend to have qualities that he does not actually have. It’s not acceptable to hide yourself from your people because if you say you’re going to protect them no matter what and you back out when something bad happens, your people will be disappointed and won’t have trust in you. A successful leader who wishes to be loved should be honest to his people for who he really is because it will give him respect. You can’t gain respect without giving respect. Respect is one of the most important characteristics to have when being a leader because people always want to be in an environment where they feel valued. A leader isn’t going to be successful if their people aren’t happy and feel as if they aren’t important. If a leader is genuine with respect, his people will be more willing to give back respect and do as he says. Though, the truth is that it is important to give respect whether they feel the leader deserves it or not. As Machiavelli says, â€Å"A prince is also respected when he is either a true friend or a downright enemy. † (Machiavelli 250). It doesn’t matter the relation you have with your leader, whether they’re a true friend or a downright enemy, you’re going to respect them just because they’re your leader. Your people may not like what you do, but you will be respected. It’s obvious that being respected out of actual love is the better than being being respected out of fear, and that good respect should lead to good confidence within the leader. The feeling of being protected is desired from a lot of people. If you’re a new principal, your students and staff want locks on doors and an officer nearby. If you’re the new president of a country, your nation wants to know that they have a reliable and strong army fighting for and protecting the country. A successful leader should always be ready for whatever situations may come. Machiavelli says, â€Å"He who does otherwise, either from timidity or evil advice, is always compelled to keep the knife in his hand. † (Machiavelli 61). A leader should always be ready for quick action if some situation should arise. Your people will love and admire you if they know you’re protecting them and is always cautious for quick problems. It takes great courage and confidence to take full responsibility for your people’s safety and well being. Being honest, having respect, and being protective are characteristics of being a successful but loved leader that have applied to people from before Machiavelli’s time all the way up to present day. It’s easy to spot feared leaders such as Hitler apart from loved leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. Being loved not feared is better to be if you cannot be both because the people you’re leading actually like you for who you are and are willing to do what you say, they aren’t scared into doing it. Martin Luther King Jr. led his people with the same respect they gave him, he was honest and true with his feelings, and he went above and beyond to change the world’s way of how they treated colored people to protect them from getting hurt and discriminated any longer. His people loved and admired him for who he really was, he didn’t hide anything. Martin Luther King Jr. was a successful leader because he was loved and possessed honesty, respect and protectiveness.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Questions in Antitrust law. Case examples Essay

Questions in Antitrust law. Case examples - Essay Example Antitrust laws aim at removing aspects of monopoly within business environments and unfair business practices (Hylton 45). According to Hylton (47), actions that are deemed to be capable of hurting business operations and/or consumers are regarded those that contravenes antitrust laws. Such actions are therefore punishable by law since they go against provisions of business operations guiding principles as defined by antitrust laws such as Sherman Act 1890 and Clayton Act of 1914 amongst others. In order to enhance fair business competition and practices, antitrust laws regulate commerce and its auxiliary services through prevention of any unlawful restraints, monopolies, and price fixings with an aim of not only promoting competition but also encouraging production and provision of high quality goods and services (Hylton 51). Any antitrust law developed within a state of a nation must always focus on safeguarding public welfare. Safeguarding public welfare is attainable through maki ng sure that consumer demands, specifications, needs, and expectations are adequately and timely met through manufacture, production, and sale of goods at reasonable prices. This is true in the case of NCAA v. Board of Regents, 468 U.S. 85 (1984). Nonetheless, despite the fact that antitrust laws aim at reducing levels of monopoly in a bid to enhancing competition, monopoly in itself is not considered unlawful. However, Hylton (61) confirms that if a firm having monopoly powers uses its status to engage in anti-competitive actions thereby infringing on the welfare of the public then such actions amount to violation of antitrust laws. For a claimant to prove that a monopoly organization misused its powers to violate provisions of antitrust laws there is need to identified that the firm in question is a monopoly, that the firm acquired or preserved its monopolistic power through exclusionary of anti-competitive actions, and that claimant’s welfare has been adversely affected du e to suffering proximate losses that are a direct consequences of such exclusionary or anti-competitive actions by the monopolistic firm (Hylton 67). In this scenario, there is no doubt that Consumers Power Company (CPC) is a monopolistic firm that produces and distributes power to retail customers in Ohio, Kentucky. By the virtue of being a monopolistic firm, CPC has not violated the provisions of antitrust laws. Unfortunately, CPC is using its status as a monopoly to charge higher rates to the consumers. The idea of using the monopolistic position or power to charge higher rates is a violation of antitrust laws. One of the aspects of antitrust laws is that an individual or firm should not employ anti-competitive actions or exclusionary actions to interfere with the welfare of the public. Power is such an important resource or need for consumers. Therefore, by charging higher rates, consumers may end up not meeting their needs and demands. In this regards, CPC has violated the anti trust laws by using its monopolistic powers to charge higher rates. As identified earlier on, antitrust laws provide that there should be reasonable pricing in distributing or selling a good or a service. Such higher rates are considered to be unreasonable hence CPC has violated antitrust laws through charging higher rates based on its monopolistic status. Moreover, CPC’s refusal to sell power on wholesale to the Tri-State Electric Cooperative (TSEC) and the municipalities is an action that prevents fair competition (Hylton 53). Every organization must not act in a way that it prevents free and fair competition within the business environment. Formation of TSEC and the municipal

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A Day at Belton Lake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Day at Belton Lake - Essay Example The most common is sand though mud can also be up the Leon River that drains to Lake Belton and the cowhouise arms. Lake Belton has no aquatic vegetation, but some investigation reveals little presence of some vegetation in the lake. The water of the lake is usually cool in the summer time making the environment cool for swimming and in water relaxation. I had great anticipation that morning to participate in the activities that are in the lake. I hurriedly rush to my drawer containing my swimsuit. I pulled out my favorite blue swimming costume. I rush down the stairs to start off the daddy with daddy’s famous chocolate, grapes and biscuits for the morning. That is an original breakfast that we do have every time before we spend our day in Belton Lake. Lak Belton is a public lake that is open for all public access facilities. Ramping using boats, bank fishing, camping and picnics are all available. This place forms the best are to spend some time with family members and enjoy the weekend (Carpenter et al. pg. 163). The serene environment altogether with the hot summer makes the atmosphere and the lakes water cool for swimming to take place. My parents and I love swimming in Lake Belton and nearly every summer we take a day to send in the cool waters of the lake. Along the lakes beach, there is 300 foot plus the water slide curve that plunges from the start tower down to the splash pool that is four foot. The family picnics are usually located just adjacent to the lakes beach (Hoare and Hoare. pg. 225). Before taking off on our boat, we have to make sure that every equipment is in place, and we are fully prepared for any circumstance. My duty is to ensure that all essentials items including lotion, drinks, snack food, beach towels and sunscreen are all packed. As I do that, my brother and dad are always busy our boat fuel tank is full of gas, life jackets in plenty and intertube that is usually fun but dangerous

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Evidence base discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Evidence base discussion - Assignment Example When conflict arise between interest in the wellbeing of the patient and interest of employer healthcare organization, tenet nine can serve as a frame of reference to provide an insight into the applicable values and standards of integrity (Fowler & ANA, 2008). The Need Theory that prioritizes the health wellbeing of a patient supports the tenet. Nursing associations can provide interdisciplinary knowledge that can help address the diverse needs of a patient. Nursing values, integrity, and social policy also work for the good of the patient (Lachman, 2006). This tenet is compatible with deontological ethical theory because it calls for a nurse to uphold rules, duties, and obligations such as those that can be laid down by nursing associations. For example, both tenet nine and deontology tasks a nurse with a duty to protect human life and another to conduct themselves responsibly during practice (ANA, 2005). In light of these theories, the meaning and usefulness of tenet nine of the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics is more apparent because I can now see how it can be applied in real life clinical situations (Fowler & ANA, 2008). In fact, the tenet is congruent with my practice and I can help me relate better with patients and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Inequalities of wealth between the rich and the poor Essay

Inequalities of wealth between the rich and the poor - Essay Example Having read a lot of economic papers and business related news makes it difficult for myself to agree with the statement that globalization alone is the major cause of the continuously widening gap between those individuals who are able to earn excessively large amount of money as compared to those who barely earns an income to support their daily needs. I believe that there will always be other ways that could enable the people to fight poverty as well as survive the tight competition in the labor market. For instance, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is promoting that the local government in each country should increase the share of public expenditure allocation in order to improve the quality of education system within the country. Basically, increasing the literacy rate of the local people empowers each one of them to be able to compete in the tight competition in the global labor markets. In line with the promise of good education in the development of a good career, most of the nurses in developing countries are taking the opportunity to work in developed countries where they could earn a better salary compensation in exchange for their services.Another example of creating new job opportunities is to boost the promotion of tourism. (Greene County, 2008) In general, encouraging more tourists to visit some of the country’s most prominent places as well as other relevant attraction sites could indirectly boost the country’s economy.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Bioengineered foods are they safe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bioengineered foods are they safe - Essay Example Some have termed the genetically manipulated crops ‘frankenfoods’ and have questioned the potential harm to people and the environment that could come from their production. This discussion will answer these questions regarding the safety of these foods and present an overview of bioengineered foods. Bioengineering food involves â€Å"splicing a gene from one organism, such as a bacterium, into a plant or animal to confer certain traits† (Muth et al, 2002). These traits, developed for agricultural crops such as corn, soybeans, canola and cotton include increasing nutrients, tolerance to herbicides and drought, resistance to fungus and insects and reduced spoilage. Bioengineered corn and soybeans have become increasingly widespread among farmers during the last decade and the products can be commonly found in most grocery stores. Companies that engineer and produce bioengineered foods as well as manufacturers that choose to use these foods in their ingredients are faced with a stringent and ever-developing regulatory oversight by three government agencies; the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture), the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Which agency regulates a particular product is determined by the intended use of the crop. Very often, a product is regulated by multiple agencies. The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, a division of the USDA, monitors products and organisms that affect plants. Products and organisms derived from bioengineering methods introduced to or manufactured in the U.S. require USDA identification. This agency then determines if the item in question is a ‘regulated article’ or a possible disease. If the USDA decides that the product or crop is to be regulated, â€Å"a written approval usually is issued that designates conditions for introduction of the article† (McCammon,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Theoretical perspective Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Theoretical perspective - Assignment Example haustive assessment, a nurse will understand the unique features and requirement of every family thereby developing an equally unique care plan, one that suits the family. Furthermore, the assessment criteria as propagated by the theory investigates and assesses every possible feature of a family thereby enhancing the process of obtaining holistic information that helps in diagnosing the psychological and physical wellbeing of every individual in a family. The above theory is the most effective in assessing families. It provides a simple assessment mechanism since it investigates basic demographic features. Additionally, the theoretical perspective is exhaustive since it strives to assess every possible feature that would help portray the uniqueness in both the physical and the psychological wellbeing of an individual. This way, a caregiver will understand the nature of the family unit and the factors affecting the health of every member of the family. Cultural care values rely on the uniqueness of the kinship, religious beliefs, language, worldview, politics, economy and technology among other basic factors (Leininger & National League for Nursing, 2001). The theoretical perspective investigates the effects of such factors thereby developing a holistic diagnosis to every individual in the family unit. Such is an exhaustive criteria often not achieved in other theoretical

Friday, August 23, 2019

Switch boards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Switch boards - Essay Example Just from the beginning of switching systems, a large number of the transformations have been done in the switching technologies. In this regard this paper is going to analyze and evaluate the old strowger switches and mechanical cross-bar switches based on circuit switching technologies with some modern network switches. In this report I would like to provide a technological overview of these technologies and a brief comparison of these technology systems. The basic use of the telecommunication networks is to carry data and information signals among different entities which are located geographically. In this situation we can say that an entity can be a resource like a human being, a computer, a Tele-printer, a duplicate machine, a communication data workstation and so on. These communication entities are linked with the overall working and process of the transferring information which can be in the form of a file transfer between two systems, or telephone chat (a call) or message transmission between two workstations etc. In this present age of technology, the communication is perceived as a symbol of the new age of technology. In this scenario the introduction of this communication technology has started from the development of the telephone systems (Farahmand & Zhang, 2007). However, due to considerable increase in the number of users and less number line availability, a need was experienced to develop some switching system which c an be used for the switching purposes among line to facilitate large number of individuals with small number of available communication lines. Today the technology has gained an extensive limit of advancements but some of the communication restrictions still exist. One of the key issues in these limitations is the highest availability of the communication line. In an attempt to tackle this problem, the technique of the switching was formulated,

Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Movie Review Example merican politics appears to be largely stage managed by the affluent sections of the society, in the climax it portrays a healthy picture of the American politics, where the leaders listen to the voice of their conscience and were the values like honesty, fairness, family bonding and justice manage to thrive over selfishness and untruth. 3. The lesson that this movie tends to convey is that essentially the American politics is value driven. The mechanics and the framework of the American politics and the public expectations are such that they tend to push back the fake and the selfish. Though at a superficial level, many a time it may seem that the privileged sections of the society have a greater say in the political setup, eventually it is the strong undercurrent of integrity and uprightness that always has a final say. 1. Thank You for Smoking, a 2005 film directed by Jason Rietman, is essentially about the exploits of a smooth and smart tobacco lobbyist Nick Naylor who uses his public speaking skills to win support in the favor of smoking. The film depicts the ploys and schemes resorted to by Nick Naylor and his like minded friends to mould and influence the public and political opinion in favor of the causes that happen to be basically harmful to the public health. 2. The view of the American politics as presented in Thank You for Smoking is quiet negative and disturbing. In Thank You for Smoking the American politics comes out as a political system that is vulnerable to being managed and influenced by the people who are influential, powerful and deft public opinion managers. The American public is shown as an unsuspecting victim to the schemes of people who are not averse to lying and using faulty logic. 3. While State of the Union ends in the victory of the essential American values like honesty, integrity and justice, Thank You for Smoking tends to project the victory of the powerful and the unscrupulous over the desired political values and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Males are the more dominant sex while females are the more submissive sex Essay Example for Free

Males are the more dominant sex while females are the more submissive sex Essay Many times people have confused and even used the terms gender and sex to mean the same thing yet they are not. To others, gender means women. Sex is biological and it is determined by chromosomes and the body chemistry. Gender means socially or culturally acquired characteristics which are then associated to the biological sex. Sex is all about being female or male while gender is being feminine or masculine. Gender is constructed in a social setting. It is learnt. Gender refers to the different roles and responsibilities associated to women and men in society. Gender includes men, women, youths and children. Gender means the appropriate qualities associated to the biological sex. Gender at the structural level influences the division of labor in institutions and organizations. At the symbolic level, it gives an individual personality. It also explains the cultural beliefs and stereotypes of male and female. It is a set of cultural roles. Gender is about how people perceive themselves and how they expect others to behave. Gender is the social meaning attached to men and women. Gender is acquired through interactions with others. That is, caretakers, socialization in childhood and family roles. A child is simply born female or male but through socialization, the child becomes a boy or a girl who later matures to become a man and a woman. The social learning theory with explanations on behaviuor and environment justifies the definition of gender. Gender usually controls the principles of a society. It influences the processes of production, consumption and distribution hence the economic status of a society. ( FAO 1997) Improper understanding of the meaning of gender results into discrimination against women as people of low status. Half of the world’s total populations are women. Women do two thirds of the world’s task yet get an income of one tenth of the worlds total earnings and only own two thirds of the world’s wealth. Norms refer to the behavior expectations within a society. They are the rules that govern the proper and improper values, beliefs, attitudes and behavior of people in society. Norms are customary rules controlling the society way of life. In case of violation, an individual faces sanctions from the society. Gender norm therefore is what is considered right for males and females in society. It is what people expect of you by virtue of being female or male. Gender (norm) expectation is a product of socialization. Agents of socialization such as the family, the school and mass media makes it possible for a child to learn of what is required of him or her through rewards and sanctions. Parents act as role models for their children within the family. For instance, a child that has been brought up in a family where the mother is considered an equal partner in terms of decision making on issues affecting the family and not subordinate, knows that even females have a place in society. A child that grows up in a family where the father helps in caring for the baby grows up with the idea that caring is a virtue of masculinity hence this shapes their gender roles positively. At birth a doctor looks at the child and tells the parent that it is a boy or a girl hence the newborn is already identified by gender. The baby is then taken home and clothed in dressings that help relatives, friends and strangers tell the sex of the baby. Girls being dressed in bright colored cloths such as pink with hair ribbons while boys dressed in pale colored cloths such as grey with football pictures on it. (/www. studyworld. com) This explains how much the society influences our gender roles. As the child grows, the type of playing toys that parents buy them also gives them gender identity. Girls are given baby dolls to dress and take care of which is a symbol of mothering while boys given toy vehicles to drive and blocks to build houses. Parents usually expect their female children to be softer and more caring while the boys to be more active and rough. Boys are appreciated for their achievements and girls for their looks hence this impacts on the children gender socialization differently. As the children grow within the family, parents allocate them household chores according to their gender identities. Girls left behind to wash dishes, look after their younger siblings and cook while boys told to go to the field to graze animals. Children therefore grow up identifying themselves as either feminine or masculine. Gender socialization starts as early as a child is born. The following theories explain this. Psychoanalytic theory which emphasizes on children perception on their genitals and cognitive development theory which focuses that children acquire gender and its stereotypes through their brain processing to understand the social world explains gender socialization process in childhood. Media as an agent of socialization also plays a role in shaping the gender of a child. What the child watches on television, reads on newspaper, sees on billboards and hears on radios influences their gender identity hence their gender roles. Beautiful women used to advertise cosmetics and beauty products and men advertised as heroes in movies. Media always portrays the negative side of women by picturing them as luxurious with nothing to offer except their beauty while picture men as people with ambitions to achieve and this is mostly expressed through advertisements. (www. studyworld. com) Our educational institutions also influence the gender role in various ways. Girls being made monitors to take care of the classrooms while boys appointed prefects to exercise authority in class. Pupils reading books where Jane is always the nurse and Tom is always the doctor. It is the society in which we live in that shapes our thinking, attitude, behavior and way of life. Peer pressure that children experience when they meet their friends also help in confirming the cultural gender roles already acquired from home. Boys who behave like girls in school or girls who behave like boys are usually teased by their peers and even ostracized from the circle of friendship hence this interferes with the child’s ego. The child is then forced to conform to what is perceived as culturally right. Socialization works by rewarding what is wanted and punishing the unwanted character. . Gender norm determines the gender roles. Gender roles are social roles of men and women. They differ from society to society, culture, age, classes and time in history. Gender roles can be manifested through clothing, eating habits, choice of employment and on type of relationships. For instance, women are believed to be a weaker gender and therefore should do lighter tasks such as cooking, laundry and babysitting their children while men are energetic therefore doing heavy tasks out side the home. Culture also shapes the roles played by both men and women. Societies specify women occupations and men occupations. For example, a barber is believed to be a man and any woman who chooses to become a barber is nicknamed as a lady barber. Professions like law and medicine are also believed to be male profession hence women who join such professions are nicknamed as women lawyers and women doctors. On the other hand, occupations such as nursing and health care are believed to be female professions and men who join them are nicknamed as male nurses. However gender roles differ from society to society. In countries like United States, medicine is a profession of men while in Soviet Union, it is a profession of women. In Germany and Taiwan, all barbers in a shop are women. (2) Societies expects a person with masculine features to behave like a man even if that individual is a woman. For example, a woman with a deep voice and beards putting on a woman’s dress and high heeled shoes is ridiculed and unfriendly attention given to her. Many times we assume our gender roles based on our gender identity. That is, any person with external male organs is assumed to be male while an individual with external female organs is assumed to be a woman yet this scenario is not always true. These kinds of people are faced with inconsistent gender role and gender identity . An example of traditionally gender role is males being attracted to females hence lesbians and gays are deviants from this expectation. Gender norms usually lead to gender role stereotypes in which a society expects women and men to behave in a particular manner. Society sees individuals through different types of gender lenses. One is the lens of gender polarization which explains that men and women are not the same and this variance is the pivot factor controlling the social life. Two is the androcentrism lens. It explains that men are superior to women and therefore their decisions are final. Third is the biological essentialism which explains that the above lenses are due to biological difference in sex. Social constructionist views gender as away of fulfilling ones desires. Society thinks that men and women are different; they should therefore be handled differently in terms of development. This difference in handling executes characters and behaviors that lead to gender stereotypes. This practice repeats itself several times through different generations until it becomes a people’s way of life hence impossible to reverse. Children acquire their gender because it is important to society setting thereby making them slaves of their own culture without noticing that other ways of life are also possible. . This change includes both men and women. The greatest change has occurred in terms of attitude and perception. Societies no longer discriminate against women as it was in the past. Women have also acquired a positive attitude within themselves that they have the potential hence can do all gender roles that a man can do. Women today take up tasks that were initially meant for men. Women have joined the workforce. They are now working as either part-time or full time employees in formal sectors and are therefore able to bring food unto the table unlike before where only men were involved in economic task. Change has also occurred in the area of gender violence. It was culturally believed that men should beat their wives to prove their dominance over them. Women were not allowed to take part in issues of decision making within the family. They were seen as inferior gender but this has reversed and they are now able to make contributions to issues affecting the family. The government has also become conscious about gender violence and action is now taken against those who abuse their wives. (Beth and Marx, 1998) Change has also been experienced in educational institutions. In the past societies focused more on the boy child. Boys were taken to school up to higher levels because it was believed that they are the backbone of any society. Girls were discriminated and were only given elementary education and then forced to marry so that the parents get dowry. Today, this trend has changed and we now have more female students in schools and even joining higher levels of education such as the universities. In addition to this, female students are now registering for courses that were initially believed to be technical and meant for men such as engineering. On the other hand, male students are also taking up courses that are believed to be softer such as humanities. Men gender roles have also changed quite significantly. For example, today men are given paternity leaves to help their wives take care of the baby and strengthen the family bond. Governments have also focused more on men to the level of establishing resource centers for them so that they are able to pull their resources together for development. Again, gender mainstreaming programs have been introduced to help ensure that there is equal representation of gender in all sectors, In the sports arena, certain activities that were initially male domain are now participated in by females also. For example, sports like body building, football and boxing were culturally meant for men but today we have female participants in the same. Females are also participating in athletics without any discrimination unlike before where female athletes were accused of being gay. On the other side, sports like handball and indoor games that were traditionally known to be female sports are now encroached by males and they are excelling in them. In the public arena, women are now holding high offices just as men. In the past, a woman’s place was the kitchen and could not contribute to issues of development. Today we see women participating in politics and competing for public offices together with men and they even defeat them. Gender roles have also changed in terms of dressing. Today we see women putting on trousers which were initially men’s clothing. Keeping long hair has been associated with women but today we have males who are also doing their hair and putting own bangles and earrings In occupations such as the military and other forces, we now have female representation. In the past, men were believed to be warriors and strong enough to defend their territories and women were not allowed to participate in wars. Today, we have women soldiers who go to war to defend their states. Household duties that were formally seen as feminine are now encroached by males. For example, we have male cooks working in hotel industries to earn a living, houseboys in various homes to take care of the house. Men beauty parlors doing female hairs and this shows that even gender relations have changed. People today interact freely between different sexes. Even though gender roles have changed, there are still certain impediments to full change. For example, women are still seen as the bosses of the kitchen in the homes. They have two shifts of work. That is, after coming from work they still have to join in cooking and caring for their babies. Again if a child is sick, it is the woman who takes off from work to take the baby to the hospital and remains in the home to nurse the kid until he or she gets well while the father continues to work. In conclusion, I wish to note that, the effects of childhood socialization are so strong that it shapes our adult our adult life. References Blakemore C. and Iversen D. Susan, Gender and Society: Essays Based on Herbert Spencer Lectures: Oxford University Press, 2000B FAO corporate document repository (1997), what is gender? Retrieved December 11, 2008, from http://www. fao. org/docrep/007/y5608e/y5608e01. htm Hess B. B. and Ferree M. Marx (1998), Analyzing Gender: Social Science Research. University of Virginia: Sage Publications Student world (1996-2000), Gender socialization. Retrieved December11, 2008. from http://www. studyworld. com/newsite/ReportEssay/Science/Social%5CGender Socialization-32139.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Unified Power Quality Conditioner Engineering Essay

Unified Power Quality Conditioner Engineering Essay Abstract-The aim of this paper is to present a constant frequency unified power quality conditioning system(CFUPQC)which consists of an unified power quality conditioner(UPQC) extended by adding a frequency changer in between the shunt active filter and series active filter . The series active filter and shunt active filters mainly used to compensate the voltage, current imbalance and harmonics. The frequency converter is used to compensate the supply frequency when it varies beyond the power quality limit. The proposed configuration all converters are connected back to back on the dc side and share the common dc link capacitor. The simulation results are presented to confirm that the new approach has better performance than the traditional UPQC. Index Terms-CFUPQC, frequency changer, voltage source converter (VSC), Matlab simulink INTRODUCTION Uunifed power quality conditioner is an advanced concepts in the area of power quality control. The basic working principle of unified power quality conditioner is based on series and parallel power converters that share a common dc link [1].Unified power quality conditioner is used to compensate voltage sag, voltage swell [2] , current harmonics [3] it is also creates an impact on the reactive power [4] through shunt voltage source inverter and series voltage source inverter. In order to avoid the switching oscillation, a passive filter is applied at the output of each inverter. At the output of shunt inverter a high pass second order LC filter is allocated and the output of series inverter low pass second order LC resonance filter is allocated. UPQC controller provides the compensation voltage through the UPQC series inverter and conditioning the current through the shunt inverter by instantaneous sampling of load current and source voltage. The reference current are compared with the shunt inverter output current (,) and are fed to hysteresis type (PWM) current controller. There are some problems with PQC. As the supply frequency changes the UPQC will not compensate the voltage sag and swell and current harmonics properly. This happens due to the presence of LC filters at the Inverters output terminals. It is directly affected by the variation of supply frequency. Fig.1: Basic Configuration of Constant Frequency Unified Power Quality Conditioner (CFUPQC) Fig 1 shows the proposed improved configuration of constant Frequency unified power quality conditioner. This modified unified power quality conditioner concepts enables the PWM converter to perform not only active filtering purpose, also the function of frequency changer. The compensation principle of the CFUPQC will be described in the coming sections. The proposed unified power quality conditioner has to satisfy the following requirements. Reactive power is maintained at minimum value. The load voltage should be maintained at the rated supply voltage. Maintain the input current with very low harmonic content. Assure the supply frequency is permissible within the power quality limits .The simulations result will be presented to validate the proposed CFUPQC. frequency quality indices In order to characterize the power system frequency under normal operating condition the following indices are used Where fr is the rated frequency (50 or 60) Hz and f is the real frequency. The relative frequency deviation (2) The integral deviation during the delay required to ensure appropriate of clock synchronized to the electrical network frequency (3) According to the standard En 50160/2006rated frequency of supply voltage is 50Hz.Under normal operation conduction the mean value of the fundamental frequency measured over loss stay within the following range. 50 Hz+ 1%.ie 49.5-50.5Hz for 99.5%of the year 50 Hz+ 4%.ie 47-52Hz for 100%of the time. But as power frequency may not be exactly 50Hz within the time interval. The fundamental frequency output is the ratio of the number of integer cycle counted clearing 10s time interval divided by the cumulative value of the integer value. The step taken to maintain the frequency with in required limits render deviation from the normalized value very rate phenomena. In this way an analysis is of the influence of frequency variation on the final customer is only for a reduced interval about +3Hz of the rated value and for rather short period. Within the reduced variation field (40%)a considerable number of static customers are not affected by the system variation(rectifier , resistance, ovens, electric arc ect)but 60%of the consumers (fans, motors ect)affected by the frequency variations. The asynchronous and synchronous driving motors connected the supply network used extensely in individual acceleration have the power frequency changes. Depending on the mechanical characteristic spee d of the motor and also depends on the supply frequency [13].The speed of asynchronous motors or synchronous motor unlimited drags to the electric power supply variations s proportional to the applied voltage frequency. The frequency variation leads to the correspond modification of the process production time throughout the supply with a reduced frequency depressing the supply frequency capacitive circuit, transformer, relay coil are affected Constant Frequency Unified Power Quality Conditioner (CFUPQC) CFUPQC structure Fig.3: Proposed Configuration Modified configuration of UPQC consist of shunt active filter, series active filter, voltage source inverter and voltage source converter shown in Fig(3).CFUPQC similar to the UPQC expect the frequency changing section. UPQC has the potential drawbacks in the hybrid filtering performance. Since its filter in characteristics depends on load impedance and supply frequency. CFUPQC series active filter is used for compensation the voltage harmonics and voltage imbalance In addition the voltage source converter supplies the AC to DC power and is fed to common DC link. The CFUPQC consists of parallel active filter (PAF) that eliminates load harmonics and compensates load reactive power. The control equation is Ipf=G.IL (4) Where g is the control function, is fundamental frequency.IL is the load current, Ipf is the parallel filter input current components for compensation are extracted from load current and load voltages using theory while the converter is a current controlled device using 20 kHz clocked hysteresis band. Series active filter (SAF) that compensates supply harmonics flicker, voltage sag/swell, unbalance and diode + capacitor type load harmonics to flow in to the parallel filter. Control equation is comp (5) Where k is regulator gain, Usf is the series filter voltage, Ish are harmonic supply current and Ucomp is compensation voltage needed to remove supply voltage imperfection. Ish are extracted to theory. Active rectifier (AR) for real power transfer to/from common DC bus and for DC bus control. Switching losses and power received from the dc link capacitors through the series inverter can decrease the average value of dc bus. Other distortions such as unbalanced conditions and sudden changes in load current can result in oscillation in dc bus voltage .In order to solve the fluctuated dc voltage the three phase rectifier is used .DC bus voltage is maintained constant using three-phase rectifier converter for bi-directional power flow and is controlled in such a way that it is insensitive to supply voltage imperfections. Rms value of the output voltage Vorms=0.9558Vml Rms value of the output current Iorms=0.9558Iml Where ml is maximum value of line current. Multi stage 48 pulse voltage source inverter (VSI) supplies the constant power frequency when the supply frequency will change. Here multilevel voltage source inverter is used, to eliminate the harmonic component of the output. The frequency converter is placed in between the series and shunt active filters. Normally the voltage source converters (rectifiers) generate the current harmonics. In order to avoid the harmonics and reactive power the rectifier is placed at the middle of the two active filters. Similarly if the load is increased voltage dip may occur in front of voltage source inverter. At the same time series active filter compensate the voltage problems. Control system of the CFUPQC shunt Part Fig.4: Control System of the Shunt CFUPQC 1) CFUPQC shunt inverter control system: In the Fig (4) shows the shunt inverter controlling block diagram of CFUPQC using synchronous reference frame theory where the sensitive loads current are . The measured currents of load are transferred in to frame using sinusoidal functions through synchronous reference frame conversion. The sinusoidal functions are obtained through the grid voltage using phase lock loop(PLL). Here the currents are divided in to ac and dc components (6) (7) The equation (6) and (7) and are the real and reactive components.ac components and dc elements can be derived by low pass filter.are the dc components and are the ac components of . The control algorithm corrects the systems power factor and compensates all the current harmonica component by generating the reference currents given in equation = (8) = (9) The reference current is transferred in to frame through reverse conversion of synchronous reference frame. Resulted reference current () and the output current of shunt inverter () are fed to the hysteresis band controller. Now the required controlling pulses are generated and the required compensation current is generated by the inverter applying these signals to shunt inverters power switch gates. 2) CFUPQC Series Inverter Control System Fig.5: Control System of the Series CFUPQC 2) CFUPQC series inverter control system: Fig (5) shows the CFUPQC series inverter controlling block diagram using synchronous reference frame theory. In this method the desired value of load phase voltages in d axis and q axis is compared with the load voltage and the result is consider as the reference signal. The supply voltage detected is detected and transformed in to the synchronous reference frame using (10) The compensating reference voltage in the synchronous reference frame is defined as (11) The compensating reference voltage in (11) is then transformed back into the reference frame .Resulted reference voltage () and the output current of shunt inverter () are fed to the hysteresis band controller. The required controlling pulses are generated and the required compensation voltage is generated. 3) Control system of 48 pulse voltage source inverter: 48-pulse voltage source converter consists of four three phase, 3-level inverters and 4 phase-shifting transformers creating phase shift of +/- 7.5 °degree. This transformer setup neutralizes all odd harmonics up to 45th harmonic. Eight 6-pulse inverters are combined to obtain a 48-pulse with the purpose of reducing harmonic content. Table 1 shows the values of phase shifts which are applied to the inverter voltages in two steps, namely in firing pulses and in Zig-zag transformers, to create a 48-pulse waveform at the output . Table 1:48 Pulse voltage source Inverter Coupling transformer Gate pulse pattern Phase shifting transfer Y-Y +11.25 ° -11.25 ° Δ-Y -18.75o -11.25o Y-Y -3.75o +3.75o Δ-Y -33.75o +3.75o Y-Y +3.75o -3.75o Δ-Y -26.25o -3.75o Y-Y -11.25o +11.25o Δ-Y -41.25o +11.25o content in the order of n= 48m ±1, where m= 0, 1, 2. The main-inverter intermediate-circuit capacitors together have an energy storage capacity of only 15 J/kVA. An output switching frequency of 1 kHz is chosen, which is fairly reasonable for this converter. Input is a frequency reference, which is passed through a rate limiter in order to be within the limits of maximum acceleration. Fig.6: Control System of the Frequency changer CFUPQC Except for the 23rd and 25th harmonics, this transformer arrangement neutralizes all odd harmonics up to 45th harmonic. Y and D transformer secondarys cancel harmonics 7+12n (7, 19, 31, 43,)and 5+12n (5, 17, 29, 41,) .In addition, the 15 ° phase shift between the two groups (Tr1Y and Tr1D leading by 7.5 °, Tr2Y and Tr2D lagging by 7.5 °) that allows cancellation of harmonics 11+24n (11, 35,) and 13+24n (13, 37,). Considering that all 3n harmonics are not transmitted by the transformers, the first harmonics that are not canceled by the transformers are therefore the 23rd, 25th, 47th and 49th harmonics. By choosing the appropriate conduction angle for the three-level inverter (ÏÆ' = 172.5 °), the 23rd and 25th harmonics can be minimized. Using a bipolar DC voltage, the voltage source inverter thus generates a 48-step voltage approximatly a sine wave. The secondary sides of the coupling transformers are connected in series to sum the output voltages of individual VSIs and resul ts in a multi-pulse phase voltage which can be expressed mathematically as follow (12) Both equations (12) and (13) which are phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral voltage representations, respectively, show that harmonics up to 47th order are inherently filtered. The signalization of the 48-pulse inverter are generated for the inverter having -41.25 of gate pulse phase and directly fed to the corresponding inverter. PWM signals for the remaining inverters are obtained by applying relevant phase shifts to the set of PWM signals generated. For example, in order to obtain the pulses for the inverter having -11.25o of gate pulse +30o of phase shift is applied to the closed loop current controllers output. In practice, the phase shifting of the pulses is realized by applying a delay in the first cycle. The generated set of pulses is the earliest set appearing at the time-line and since it is not possible to apply a negative delay the earliest appearing set is generated and the rest are delayed accordingly. When the supply frequency is exceeded beyond the power quality limit the constant frequency voltage source inverter control system change the load from source power supply to the constant frequency inverter power supply. Simulation Results The proposed system, simulation results is simulated by MATLAB software. Fig 7Current harmonic minimization when the supply frequency is normal In the above simulation some capabilities of UPQC to solve power quality problems are shown. The nonlinear load which is produced harmonic current to the network. Fig. 7 shows that the shunt part of UPQC compensates these harmonics Components when the supply frequency is normal. Now assume that a deep and unbalance voltage sag, as occurs at t = 0.2 s to 0.25 s and voltage swell occurred 0.26 and lasts for 0.3 second. Fig.8. Sag swell condition when the supply frequency is normal In Fig(8) the UPQC inject the compensation voltage via series inverter and compensate efficiently at 0.2 second sag condition and voltage swell condition at supply frequency normal (60Hz) Fig .9.Series UPQC when the frequency exceed the power quality limit In fig 9 shows the operation of UPQC when the supply frequency exceeds the power quality limits the output was not found satisfactory .The supply beyond the power quality limit (greater than 63 Hz)at 0.25 second the load voltage waveform varies. The frequency increase rapidly the voltage waveform highly distorted as shown in the simulation results Fig 9. Based on the simulation result Fig 10 it is intended that if the supply frequency varies greater than power quality limit the load current wave form is distorted. If the frequency increases the wave form also distort rapidly as shown in fig10. Fig 10. CF- UPQC Operated when Frequency greater than the Power quality limits Fig 11. CF- UPQC Operated when Frequency greater than the Power quality limits Fig 11showsthe proposed CFUPQC model was simulated for a period of 0.01 sec to 0.5 sec from the results in fig 11, it was seen that at 0.28 sec the supply frequency crossed the power quality limit at 0.29. Fig.12. CF-UPQCs inverter supplying current under over frequency condition The above simulation shows the 48 pulse inverter carries the load current when the supply frequency varied beyond the power quality limit. When the frequency exceed the limits at 0.28 sec. the voltage source converter supply the power. The above simulation result Fig(13) clearly shows when the frequency changes the asynchronous motor speed also changes and the UPQC also not deliver the voltage sinusoidal. In this case the load connected in to paper mills, relays are affected. Fig.13. UPQC connected asynchronous motor under over frequency condition Fig.14. CFUPQC connected asynchronous motor under over frequency condition The proposed model simulation fig 14 shows when the supply frequency change the motor speed not changed and the CFUPQC also work satisfactory TABLE I11 PARAMETER VALUES OF THE UNDERPROPOSED SYSTEM Power quality problems UPQC UPQC CF-UPQC CF-UPQC Frequency Hz 58-62Hz >62Hz-60-

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Evidenced Based Practice In Social Care Social Work Essay

Evidenced Based Practice In Social Care Social Work Essay Evidence-based practice is a way that is followed in providing healthcare which is guided by thoughtful integration of the very best of the currently available knowledge with a clinical expertise. This approach of research in nursing practice allows the medical practitioner to have a critical assessment of the research adapt, the clinical guidelines as well as other sources of information to enhance correct identification of the clinical problem and thus application of the most high quality interventions while re-evaluating the outcome for further improvements in the future. According to Cochrane collaboration evidence based health care is a conscientious offing of the current best evidence to make decision about the care given to the patients or in the delivery process of the health and social services (Titler, Goode, 2001) The concept of evidence is used to refer to range of tangible information that is usable in identifying a problem and the necessity of responding to it forming an essential requirement for later evaluation purposes. The idea of current best evidence is information that is up to date and relevant therefore can be sued in carrying out of a valid research about various forma of health and social care, the possible harm from exposure to certain agents, accuracy of the diagnostic tests and finally the power of the predictability of the prognostic powers. This paper will offer a critical review of the evidence based practice as in concerns to the field of health and social care in nursing profession (Mason Chaffee, 2002) The term evidence based medicine was first sued in the 1980s and was used to describe the approaches that were used to in determining the best practice and was alter shifted to become evidence based practice especially after its importance in decisions making were recognized by clinicians and physicians. after that expert begun talking of the evidence based health care as process in which research evidence was used to make decisions regarding specific population or groups of patients hence assuming that the evidence was used in context of the particular group or patients preferences, desires, clinical situation and finally on the expertise of the clinicians. Experts as expect that the healthcare professionals are able to read, critique as well as synthesize the research findings to help them in interpreting the existing evidence based guideline soft e clinical practice. In recent years funding agencies have been increasing their pressure on the federal, state and local government to incase the effectiveness as well as the accountability of the preventive and intervention programs. The rising demand for increased quality of health and social programs and evidence of such quality ahs fostered for increased interest in the evidence based programs. These programs judge to be evidence based if the evaluation research indicates that the program is producing positive and expected result, and that the result can actually be attributed to the specific program but not on extraneous factor, if the evaluation is previewed by the experts while in the field and finally the programs must be endorsed by a respected research agency or federal agency which have listed it as one of their effective programs (McCarthy, 2007). The evidence based practice have been getting an increasing attention in the field of health and social care and it focuses on the perspectives of the professionals in the midwifery, physiotherapy, social acre and nursing. This new approach is seen as an optimistic approach and has had wide acceptance as it demonstrates an organization attempts to bridge the existing research practice divide which include in the process of interpretation of research outcomes as concerning the practice protocols, guidelines and standards. Nurses have often served instrumental roles in the process of ensuring as well as provision of the evidence based practice through a continuous asking of question reading the best evidence for the interventions, provisions of the best practice and finally on the possibility of achieving the highest outcome both for the patient, family and nurse. Therefore they have always been positioned to working with in collaboration with colleagues when it comes to identification of clinical problems and in the use of the exiting evidence in priding an improved practice. There are numerous opportunities that nurses can question in order to ensure that the current nursing practices use the evidence based methods to improve and make provision of health and social acre more effective. The evidence based practice research has benefited the health and social care service providers and agencies in various ways. Some of the benefits includes: helping nurses to provide patient care that is based on research and knowledge rather than on normality, intuition, traditions, myths, advice of colleague, personal experiences outdated books and hunches. Other benefits include the better and improved patient outcomes, keeps the nursing practice current and relevant, increases confidence when it comes to decision making processes, ensures that policies ad procedures in the practice are current and includes the latest research hence supporting the JCAHO -readiness and finally the integration of evidence based practice in to the practice of nursing is very important for provision of high quality patient care and achievement of the ANCC Magnet Recognition Program designation ((McCarthy, 2007). Evidence based practice in the filed of social care is defined as the conscious, explicit and judicious process of using the current best evidence in the making of decisions that regards the welfare of the service user and careers. For the past decade health and social services providers have been under pressure to increase accountability in the provision of their service especially regarding methods of measuring the effectiveness of health and social services for instance on what works the best and on the introduction of diverse range of performance indicators in the field. Some of the question that that nurses and care givers ask themselves regarding the evidence based practice in the field oh health and social care include the types of methods of evidence based that promote the best practice while ensuring that patient get the best and improved health and social services that factor in their personal preference, cultural and social differences. Effectiveness of social provision services under that children are all securely attached to careers that are capable ensuring provision of safe and effective care during the duration of their childhood and the related indicator of performance in the reduction of to no more than sixteen percent of children looked after who have two to tree annual placement (French, 2002). The concept of effectiveness in the involve the appropriateness and validity of the methods theater used by professionals in their daily work to ensuring that the basic aims of the organization and the overall abilities of the agencies in delivering services they required to while the concept of performance is concerned with the ability of n agency to achieve predetermined targets that are viewed as the determinants of both quality and quantity of the services delivered. The three Es i.e. effectiveness, efficiency and performance were the performance indicators during the 1980s. In the social and health service care the attention of the public was shifted towards the issue spreading child abuse and protection tragedies that were culminated in the enquiry of Cleveland case. This led to an increasing number of question asked concerning the effectiveness of the process of assessment sexual abuses in children and the interventions that were targeted at the victims and the perpetrators. Social service departments as well as other social acre providers are being increasing expected to be accountable for the effectiveness of the service that that are delivered both at the organizational level as well as on the specific programs used in various interventions (Gray, 1997) Therefore information technology as played a critical role when it comes to providing the means of which organizations and agencies utilize in monitoring the social service it provides and hence becoming capable of providing information that is used to achieve accountability. Focusing on the effectiveness has fostered the raising of fundamental issues regarding the nature of the research of the social work. When on considers the evidence that emerges from the National Health Service, there is a massive variations in the health service provided both for the cost between identical treatments and also in the duration and provision of the various form of treatments. Such difference can only be explained based o n the different medical or social needs as well as on the questions raised on the electiveness of such treatments. Some of the initiative designed to help in improving the services provided by health providers include the creation of national institute for clinical excellence which is intended to improve service through the use of shared knowledgebase as well as the set standards (Titler, Goode, 2001) In addition to that another impact of the effectiveness agenda in the provision of social and health service can be evident in the proliferation of the policy as well as guidance documents as well as the creation of specific initiatives intended to increaser guides in the field for instance the Centre for Evidence-Based Social Services (CEBSS). At a national level there has been development of detailed guidance as well as practice manual both for the social care staff and other professional regarding the procedures that are followed in the handling of cases of suspected child abuse but all these vary specifically on the extent in which they based on research or on other agency priorities. Finally the most concrete manifestation of the best practice in social care services is the Centre for Evidence-Based Social Services started in 1997 and based at Exeter University. The centre aims at ensuring that the decision take at every level of social service are based on trends and quality research and it conduct training on ways of achieving the stated aims. The Centre for Evidence-Based Social Services is partnership between the department of health and the social services department from corner to corner of England and at Exeter University. The organization has recently expanded to other areas and associations have various aims including the following: To help in the translation of the results of the existing research in to the service and development of the practice. Ensures that the findings derived from research are made available to the social service departments especially during the review and changing of the delivery systems To promote collaboration with other stakeholders like degree and PQ to ensuring that the training conducted in social work incorporates the available knowledge from existing research Improvement of general informational dissemination especially of research findings to the local policy makers, practitioners, managers, careers and service users Commissioning of research on areas where information gaps are identified finally is to ensure working towards level where surface user and careers are included as the valuable sources of information especially when it comes on the service effectiveness projects. Untangling the Web-The impact of internet use on the social care and the physician-patient Relationship Methods The current study lies at the intersection process and outcome study, in the process of exploring the impacts of the internet use on the social care as well as the physician-patient relations. It processes insight into the operations by which individuals access and use online social care information. It borrows much from the web based qualitative approaches. Interviews were carried out to investigate peoples meanings that are attached to their internet use, in relation to their social as well as day-day life. To ensure that the engagement of the internet user is grasped with the online medium, it was as well much significant to meet the seekers of the information in their location of activity. The initial contact and recruitment of the interviewees were hence situated online. Email Interviews With the internet users looking for social care information online, the email interview was conducted. The recruitment of the interviewees was on UK websites for lawyers for low income people, social guidance counsellors, food providers and government officials, amongst others. The reason for focusing on such like web site was because they in most cases address themselves to the public with a multiple to the public in general with multiple social issues. There are even in most cases related topics developed on the similar website. Lawyers for low income as well as food providers for instance provides various general poverty level, while general social care website becomes an important place to government and non governmental organization involvement, and also attracts various profiles of social care information seekers. These websites were identified through systematic internet research, by the use of 20 search engines as well as directories. The initial search came up with 920 websites. By the use of frequency criteria, as well as presence, 4o websites were selected. Then, they were conducted and invited for the invited to contribute to the research at hand. Amongst them, 10 websites responded positively and the research was advertised either as a web link on one of there pages, or as message in groups of discussions. The researcher posted it, after being permitted by the website administrator. Other ten were later added fin light of evidence about their appropriate content their frequent by the first interviewer. The advertisement was made to direct internet users to the website of the research where the study goals, methods and privacy were all explained. On top of responding to an online questioner, the internet users were also invited to participate in the interviews by first cond8ucting the research through email, phone or even by the use of conventional mail. As a matter of fact, only two interviewees used phone while none used conventional mails. The initial exchange of around three emails before the base was set, the basis for the undertaking full email interviews, though the participants were all given at any junction of even meeting face-to-face, or even undertake an interview through exposure. The demographic data like the respondents age, employment, gender, education, social status, health status, as well as income, were all collected to serve the purpose of statistical controls. Respondents also were asked, if they have ever worked or ever stayed in a social care related units. In addition, they were questioned about their views in non traditional social care services. Email Qualitative Research Email interview is just asynchronous online method of interviewing, based generally on several email exchange between the participants and the researcher (Bampton Cowton, 2002). Such like interviews allows greater flexibility for the interviewee, who might answer at his/her own convenience. Though it lacks the immediacy as compared to face-face interviews, once the basis has been set up, email communications helps in the attainment of conventional interviews and creates personal as well as thoughtful communications. In addition, email interviews allows repeated interactions as time goes by, this has been proved to be much significance for the deeper understanding of everyones dimension of the participants doctors relationship, (Mann Stewart, 2000). About 20-30 emails had been already exchanged between the each respondent and the researcher. The time of interview time relying on the speed that was adopted by the interviewees for replying the email. The interviewee age varied from 20 to 60 years. The respondents respondent to questions like what was their level of social help? They were also asked about the source of their social care? Another question was about their social problem that needs social care? The gender imbalance especially interviewees, especially in favour of females can be attributed to several reasons. One of them being the specificity of the mode of interview; given the gendered use as well as the social purposes of email communication; the initial email contacts might have installed an intimacy level, which in one way or the other might have locked the door out for male audience. Another reason might be the focus on social care issues like lawyers for low income individuals and the general social care websites. Though such like websites are addressed to the public in general and purpose males social problem topics, the dimension of gender of these social issues as well as their related website has to be recognized, (Saltonstall, 1993). Another reason that can explain is that, females are socially constructed as the social gatekeepers of the family, and the society as a whole. Although according to the survey knowledge, findings proving that online social information seekers are mainly females. However the gender imbalance raises the question of whether the differentiated presence as well as the gendered use of the internet regarding social information, dimensions that need to researched on din another research. The email interviews were semi-structured, such like interviewing form being characterized by its openness and its enabling the interviewer to ensure that all themes rose as well as narratives provided by interviewees. The guide of the interview focuses on the three main issues namely; the traits, context as well as the implications of the internet for social information reasons. Though initially, this method was being considered as secondary source of data collection, the relations that interviewees have with their doctors, in real sense constituted the major theme. One after the other, topics was all discussed. The process of exchanging questions, and answers having no pre-judged other than just following a style that is far much conversational style. Analysis The most appropriate application to the interview data according to, (Boyatzis, 1998, Flick, 1998) is thematic analysis. The application consists of encoding qualitative information through creation of several themes that usually organises a number of themes that have the capability of organizing qualitative observation as well as describing the data into coherent as well as meaningful ideas and constructs, which forms the foundation for the interpretation for such like data. At first, themes were organized following the interview guide before being elaborated into further subdivided themes that offers the coding foundation, under which further themes that were created inductively were also integrated, (Flick, 1998). Normally, formal informed consent is much important for all qualitative research methods in social care practices apart from participant observation, no matter the sampling method that was used in the identification of potential participants and the strategies used during their recruitment. The number of project-specific factors at ultimately upon a provably ethics committee, determines whether informed consent is written or oral. At the recruitment stage, obtaining informed consent for qualitative research involves clearly explaining the project to potential study participants. Ethical Issues for the Conduct The best protection of the subject interest and well-being is the protection of their identity. If revealing the behavior or the responds harm them then adherence to this norm is important. The two principles involved include anonymity and confidentiality. The research subject is perceived anonymous when the researcher cant associate a given data with the individual. Anonymity highlights several potential difficulties. The studies that involve field observation methods usually ensure that the research subjects are not known. Researchers might also expand access to nonpublic reports from both governmental and non-governmental organizations agencies in which the names of individuals have been uninvolved. An example is a web based survey in which no log in or other identifying data is needed. The subjects anonymously fill the questionnaires that are then tabulated. Promising anonymity makes it difficult to keep record of which sampled subjects have been interviewed. Sometimes the value of anonymity is worth paying. Other methods of information collection make it impossible to assure anonymity for the respondents. Confidentiality comes in when the researcher links the data with the individual but promises not to do so in public. In a study of self-reported drug use, the researcher is in a position to make it open the use of illegal drugs by a given subject but the subject is guaranteed that it will not happen. Research using police or court reports that contains individuals names might protect the confidentiality by not including any leading information. All names and addresses data gathering forms should be interchanged by identification numbers and master identification files made to link numbers to names to allow latter corrections missing information, (LoBiondo-Wood, Haber, 2006). Confidentiality comes in when the researcher links the data with the individual but promises not to do so in public. In a study of social care practice, the researcher is in a position to make it open so that it can be used by a given subject for the benefit of the respondent, but the subject is guaranteed that it will not happen. Research using reports that contains individuals names might protect the confidentiality by not including any leading information. All names and addresses data gathering forms should be interchanged by identification numbers and master identification files made to link numbers to names to allow latter corrections missing information. The Ability to Critique The research needs to know how to reduce the need of labeling children as for instance disabled so that they can address the learning and behavioral requirements of such like children in a social care program. Most o0f these national psychological as well as social care providers do have ethical standards that require science based practices to air some sort of problems, for instance, the American psychological association ethical standards, amongst others. There has been no agreement upon both quality as well as quantity of evidence that is necessary for the validation as well as intervention as being evidence-based practices in social care practices. Just the research methods of a single participant design are many convincing illustrations of the casual relationships. Social care practice analysis has been for a long period of time been criticized due to limited generalizability, as an effect of the small number of this taking part in the research study. In real since, there are no established standards within social care practices analysis for the validation of interventions. As an effect, there has been no single resource that decision makers can rely on to provide guidance about the best intervention to take it under practice in case of a particular problem. The identification of evidence-based interventions is much important but not enough to provide assurance that they will be implemented in practice setting. It is nevertheless important to address issues that ought to be complex which are associated with the implementation, (Joyce, et al, 1998).

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Gothic Age :: essays research papers fc

The Gothic Age Introduction The Gothic Age   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the third year that followed the year on thousand grew near, there was to be seen over almost all the earth, but especially in Italy and in Gaul, a great renewal of church buildings; each Christian community was driven by a spirit of rivalry to have a more glorious church than the others. It was as if the world had shaken itself, and casting off its old garments, had dressed itself again in every part in a white robe of churches. Raoul Glaber, Historia, c.1003   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Gothic Age (c. AD 1130-1530) marked the end to an age of chaos, primarily caused by the sacking and pillaging of the Vikings. After the great minds of Western Europe were freed from using their vast knowledge to defend against invaders or plagues, they now had the time and the resources needed to design any and everything in this era from bridges to city walls and castles to cathedrals. This was also a very religious age, with plenty of money being pumped into the Church, some from the crusades, with all of its included looting, and a lot more from all of the tithes all of the people who were born in the population explosion gave faithfully. Another even bigger source of income for the Church came to it in the shape of power and prestige, when the power of the church peaked in AD 1277.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Not only was this a good time for the Church, but this was also a very good time for all of humanity. The standard of living dramatically rose, and along with it, the population of Western Europe shot up. In 1346, the estimated population of Europe was fifty-four point four million just before the plague hit and wiped out more than a third of the population.1 2 This was more than twice the population of Europeans in the year 950 when it was 22,600,0003 .   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While the population was exploding there were so many new cathedrals built that in the relatively short time period of two hundred and fifty years, there was more stone quarried to be used in cathedrals (several million tons) than was quarried during the age of the pyramids in Egypt, where there are pyramids that are over two hundred and fifty million cubic meters big.4   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Gothic age survived many crusades, a plague that didn ¹t leave Europe until the late 18th century, and many other horrible atrocities. Following this great age, there was a period without the great accomplishments as in this age, since everyone was just happy using what their forefathers had done.